
The Abnormality

Chloe noticed Liz crack her knuckles. 

'She doesn't do that unless she's actually really thinking about it.' Chloe lightly shoulder bumped Liz. 

"You're worried about him. That's natural, but why did you crack your knuckles? Does something not add up about the whole situation?" Chloe asked. Liz made her usual 'eh' face when she was thinking. Chloe watched her friend keep her 'eh' face on for a while before Liz stopped and turned to face Chloe.

"We both heard the bot say something, right?  I couldn't be the only one who heard that, right?" Liz asked. Chloe gave Liz a confused look.

"What? You think the training bot's levels got overridden by someone?"

"Ms. Winters had a strange reaction to it, too. Like she was defending herself on not changing the bot's levels… Then when the doctor asked us for Lee Seng's name, when I said his last name, he seemed to panic."