
A Real Invasion

Ritsuka and Olivia jumped backwards as two smoky red hounds slashed at them. 

"Should we avoid lethal blows?" Olivia asked as she slid backwards. 

"I dunno. Do we take this as a real invasion or not?" Ritsukas shrugged. The two smoky red hounds ran towards them, hovering close to the ground as they swiped at them. Olivia and Ritsuka began to dodge when a loud pulse noise sped the swipes. Olivia felt the hot energy slash at her body. Her night outfit was ruined as she forced herself to retaliate with a palm hit straight into the chest. 

The red hound froze as Ritsuka moved out of the way and watched as the enemy red hound slashed at its teammate. Ritsuka threw both of his arms up and watched as two large Obsidian Glass's pierced the two red hounds. The armors fell to the floor as Ritsuka turned to watch another pulse echo throughout the room. 

'It's emanating from the golden one.' Ritsuka noticed.