
Sewer Map

Lee Seng turned the door knob and took a deep breath. He pulled the door open. The noise grew louder and Lee Seng realized it was a lit room. The room looked deserted but the noise seemed to come from the left side. Lee Seng peeked around the door frame and turned his head left. He scanned the room. There were chairs around a table. It looked like people were playing poker with the chips divided up on four sides of the table. Cards were sprawled messily around the middle.

'It would make sense there would be people down here but… What the hell is this noise?' Lee Seng wondered. He stepped inside as he heard his friends start to follow after him. They carefully watched where they stepped, moving towards the open light. Lee Seng stood in the middle of the room looking around when his friends came in.

"What are you doing?" Manny asked.