
Aftermath of the Hound Invasion

Number 3 hovered over the golden hound and shook his head. The men dispatched with him to save Lee Seng and his friends were running around him and locking the scene down. Alex leaned down and pressed his fingers against the Inmate's neck, checking for a pulse.

'No pulse. He's dead.' Alex thought. He began to stand when he noticed the puncture marks all over the Inmate. 

"One of you, come here." Alex motioned. One of the soldiers peeled away from securing their section and stood ready besides Alex. Alex stood up and looked at the soldier and pointed at the golden hound. "Secure the body for an autopsy. I need to know what killed him." 

"Yes, sir." The soldier saluted. Alex nodded and moved over to the open hole and sighed. The large lights above ground were just as blinding as the ones they had put down here. He felt the ground rumble around him. He squatted and jumped, the earth pushing him away.