
As Broad as Your Imagination

After the interview, Lee Seng gathered his things on the arena floor and was led towards his waiting room. The staff member opened the door and motioned him through. Lee Seng gave his thanks, sword in his right hand and jacket across his left arm, and walked into the room. 

"Nothing sets me apart from the dreams of millions and millions of other students and kids. I will continue to work hard to get to that finish line." Abby recited. Lee Seng's head turned left and looked at Number 7 fiddling with a coin. The coin moved over to the right side of her knuckles and back to the left side. "You could've kept it short, but you went on about working hard to achieve your dreams."

Abby looked up at him and pushed herself off the wall she was leaning on. She tossed the coin and caught it mid air, settling her eyes on Lee Seng. 

"What're you doing here?" Lee Seng asked.