
New Untested Moves

"Man, it'll be nice to not feel so lonely in this place." Lee Seng climbed the steps of the Academic building and turned to look at Ritsuka and Liz. "It was kinda boring to be alone for the majority of the week."

"Get out of quarantine and you want to talk to people but you don't have many people you'd talk to…?" Liz asked.

"Mmm, I got like an acquaintance in my Specialized training class. He's a bit shy though so it's usually just silent."

"Garcia seems to hang around you alot. I guess he still does?" Ritsuka asked.

"Mmm, he's been having lunch with me after the betting match incident. I guess he doesn't want me to feel left out."

"Who woulda thunk. Garcia is an interesting guy."

"Well," Liz said, turning around in front of the two boys and slowly walking backwards. "I'll take my leave first. I'll see you guys after classes." 

"See ya." Lee Seng waved.