
Blinked into the Unknown

Lee Seng looked at the three older siblings. They were quietly watching. Lee Seng cleared his throat and turned back to face Nabi, Zixin and Lady Vix'i. "I guess that answers our question. We'll stay together for now. For now, the Saviors Tomb will always be open to any of the Family that needs shelter. We'll have to come back and finish the sect's job another time."

"Finish the sect's job…?" Nabi repeated. "What?"

"Purge whatever is holding the cursed forest." Lee Seng answered.

"The two lords and the lady wanted us to finish their mission to cleanse the forest of its curse." Keng told them. 

"We don't know how to do that, yet, but I'm pretty sure the books and scrolls in the Tomb should have instructions on it." Lee Seng stretched. "For now, how do you guys re-enter the Realm?"