
The Flower Field

Lee Seng fell backwards and landed on the soft bed. He sighed as he looked at his dark blue walls. There were posters of Kpop boy groups and a couple of girl groups. The music blasted in his ears through the wired headphones. His foot tapped along to the beat of the song. It was upbeat. He wore a white button-up shirt and khaki colored shorts. His toes wiggled within the confines of his socks while his school jacket and backpack laid on the floor. 

A knock came at his door and he continued to tap his foot to the beat. The door opened and his mother's head popped into the room. She started to say something when she noticed her kid had his ears plugged in.

"Lee!" Chee shouted. Her curly black hair went to her shoulders and she was in scrubs. She moved into the room and popped her head into her pre-teen's view. "Lee Seng!" Lee Seng plucked the right earpiece out.

"Huh?" The preteen asked. Chee moved out of the way and watched as her preteen son sat up.