
The Mystery of 2007

Chimera studied the two for a while. Chimera knew their existence was very unique to them and only them. The Eldest slowly nodded and looked at the others.

"General Halys stays with me. The rest of you scatter. Make sure nothing gets to us." Chimera commanded.

"Yes, Commander!" The group saluted and they all vanished from Lee Seng's sight. Chimera held their hands behind their back as they  turned back to Lee Seng and Keng. "Let's take a walk. I'll answer your questions." Lee Seng slowly stood up, keeping his eyes on the Commander and General. Keng stood up and hovered behind Lee Seng as they began to walk up the small floral forest hill. 

"To answer your questions, I must explain to you why we've been watching you." Chimera started. "I take it you've met, Father?"

"Mmmhm, I did." Lee Seng answered.

"What do you think of, Father?"