
Morning Meeting

Lee Seng and Ritsuka made their way back into the bin room with towels strapped around their waists. They both dug into the bins and grabbed their clothes. Lee Seng moved it to his nose and sniffed it. It smelled like lavenders and oranges.

"Mmm, it smells good." Lee Seng commented. He set his shirt and shorts to the side and slipped on the boxers. Ritsuka moved his clothes to his nose and got the nostalgic smell of home. 

"Smells like home. What does yours smell like?" Ritsuka kept the shirt on his nose for a while longer before setting his things to the side and slipping his boxer briefs on.

"Lavender and oranges. Mom always had lavender, something, in the house, so I always liked to eat oranges. So the smells kinda just went hand in hand with each other." Lee Seng slipped his shorts on  and grabbed his shirt. He tossed the towel into a bin and waited for Ritsuka to finish. "What does 'home' smell like for you?"