
Achy Body

"Don't you think you should give our son a chance?" Lee Seng's Mother's muffled voice spoke. Lee Seng sat near the door, listening to his parents' conversation. "You're paranoid about something, dear. This paranoia is leading you to do experiments on our own son!" 

"It's not experiments, Chee!" Dr. Chang raised his voice. "All that I'm doing is for him. I need to make sure our son doesn't get taken!"

"Taken by who? Y'know, ever since that day on the beach, you've changed. You're in your office more. You refuse to go home and be with Lee Seng and I. I understand we both work extremely hard, but time should be given to our son, don't you think? Do you wanna become those parents who leave their child home and make him think we don't love him?" Her serious stare at Dr. Chang made him pull his glasses off and wipe his face.