
Altered Form & Doubt

"A couple things you need to know before we go on the trail, Lee Seng." Halys turned to face the three boys. He eyed Lee Seng, who was to his right. "One, this is stamina-endurance training. The trail is one of the harder trails in the Flower Forest and is one of the best for these kinds of training. It'll take us a couple of hours to get through, but don't give up. 

"Two, I'm not sure if I have to remind you of this, but you can use your powers to navigate the trail. The main purpose of running the trail is to be able to move through terrain, rough or not, with ease. Three, if you can't catch up to me or the others, follow the trail. It'll circle around and lead you directly back here, eventually. I'll be doing the trail with you, but you might not see me always. And finally, any monsters you come into contact with, you can choose to fight them or leave them alone. Use your judgment on it. I think that clears everything. Any questions?"