
Energy Repair

Ysa led Lee Seng back to where everyone was working on dinner. Halys was working with the others to coordinate what the lizard meat was going to be used for. A couple of other workers weren't there and Lee Seng assumed they were probably sent out on fetch quests for Halys.

"Hey, Victoria." Ysa waved her hand. Victoria was sitting and watching a large cauldron of lizard meat and water boiling. 

"Oh, Ysa." Victoria stood up and turned her attention to her younger sister. "What's up? You're already done with Lee Seng's stuff?"

"Not yet." Ysa shook her head. "I actually came to ask for your help with something."

"What's up?" Victoria looked at Ysa before looking at Lee Seng. The different colors of his eyes seemed to catch her attention, keeping her gaze on them for a while before looking back at Ysa.

"I've detected that Lee Seng has damaged energy channels and I was wondering if you could do some repair on it."