
Ritsuka's Breakthrough

Valen's second lightning strike connected with Ritsuka. He flew away from the smoke billowing below him. 

'He took a direct hit from Distorted Lightning. I wonder if he'll be okay. Should I stop the training?' Valen wondered. His mind replayed the smile Ritsuka gave. 

"Huh. So that's how you're supposed to be." Ritsuka's voice echoed in his head.

"What does he mean by that?" Valen whispered. Ritsuka gasped. The clunk of metal shifted as he looked down. 

"What the…" Ritsuka muttered. 

"You want to wield more of my power, Yamada?" Angerfang's voice spoke. "I'll give you more power… You're worthy of that much." Ritsuka noticed Angerfang was gone. He frantically shifted, metal clanking.

"Where did you go?" Ritsuka whispered. He looked at his arms one more time and noticed red and silver armor on his body. "How did…" In the moment before Valen's Distorted Lightning strike, Angerfang's form shifted and merged with him.