

Lee Seng and the huge group moved back to the cabin. The large group of Chimera's soldiers were all chatting away. The food was close to being done as Halys pulled away from the group and moved over to the cooks. He began to chat with them on the progress and they began to show him all the different things they decided to make. 

"Okay, we're here. Where do you wanna go?" Ysa asked.

"Where's Ritsuka?" Lee Seng asked. He turned his attention to Valen. Valen's ears twitched as he turned to look at Lee Seng.

"Oh, we were sparring and he slipped into his Negative. He's outta commission for a while." Valen answered.

"His negative?" 

"Mmm, he didn't tell you?" Valen asked. Lee Seng shook his head. Valen moved over and looked at Ysa and Victoria. "I'll take him to his friend. You two can go chat with the others." 

"You sure? We're almost there." Victoria asked.