
Daredevil Teenagers

Lee Seng and his friends stuffed their faces with Giovanni's food. Liz wasn't lying when she meant this place was a great Italian restaurant. Lee Seng was enjoying the carbonara and gnocchi. They both had distinct flavors and his mouth felt like it was in heaven. He let out a small moan of appreciation.

"This is so good. We should remember this place for next time." Lee Seng told them. Liz furiously nodded her head. She had gotten through half of her plate and was starting to feel full.

"I think I'll save this for later." Liz wiped her mouth. She leaned backwards as she watched Ritsuka finish the last of his alfredo and shrimp. 

"Mmm, hit the spot." Ritsuka let out a small blech, wiping his mouth afterwards. "'Scuse me." Lee Seng finished his carbonara and looked over at his half-eaten gnocchi. 

"I guess I'll save this." Lee Seng sighed. He wiped his mouth and noticed the female waiter coming over. "Could we get boxes and the check, please?"