
Reginald's Armory

Reginald's Armory reminded Lee Seng if a huge warehouse. Lee Seng, Liz and Ritsuka stepped into the front door. A bell going off as they entered. They were greeted by one of the workers, who did give Lee Seng a stare. 

"What're you guys looking for today?" The worker asked after they snapped out of their state. 

"I'm looking for some armor." Lee Seng spoke up. The worker turned their attention to Lee Seng and nodded.

"If you have any requirements, please input them into the screen here." The worker motioned in front of them.. Lee Seng moved over to the counter top as a glowing keyboard appeared with a floating computer screen. 

"Let's see…" Lee Seng muttered. He began to check the boxes he wanted. Silver tiered medium armor, at least +1 Physical Defense, at least +1 Magical Defense, Barrier, and open to more enchantment options. With that, Lee Seng clicked done and the worker immediately saw the pop up on their side.