
Secret Tricks

Ritsuka sailed straight towards the ground. The blow to his head made him instantly dizzy. He could hear Lee Seng calling for him as Kaleb and Jake winded up a tag team attack on Ritsuka. 

Lee Seng flashed forward, swinging a left hook straight into Kaleb's back. The air flew out of Kaleb, his grip releasing the staff as he went flying. 

"Dammit." Lee Seng cursed. "I might've just overshot that punch!" Ritsuka grunted in confusion as he rolled away from the strike. The metal sword clanged inches away from his face as Lee Seng leapt over his teammate and forced Jake into a defensive stance. 

"Are you okay?" Lee Seng asked. Ritsuka shook his head as he forced himself into a sitting position. 

"I'll be fine soon." Ritsuka told him. "Where's Kaleb?"