
Ritsuka's Situation

"Wait, you're sure you heard that right?" Lee Seng and Keng both asked in unison. The twins stepped forward, spooking Ritsuka. He stumbled backwards, losing his sense of balance as he grabbed onto the railing of the bed. 

"Y-y-y-yeah. I'm pretty sure that's what happened." Ritsuka stuttered. "I-I don't know what any of that means. Who was that woman? What did she mean by 'conditions have been met. The Ability Mutation will now begin'?" Lee Seng and Keng looked at each other.

"You always wondered if it was possible to mutate other peoples' abilities, right?" Keng asked. They both turned to look at Ritsuka. "I think we just got our answer."

"Shit." Lee Seng cursed. He took a step back, shaking his head.