
Team Training Day (2)

The cold wind bit at the group as they opened the door. Lee Seng poked his head and looked around. The tall forest looked the same as the last time he was here except there was snow around. 

"Coast is clear." Lee Seng told the others. He stepped out and looked around. The group filed out one by one, all huddling near the shack. The Academy had hundreds of these across all of their Field Test Zones. Scouts would look around in each field zone once in awhile to make sure the shacks were still okay and to keep any maps updated for the Academy. 

"Alright, we're in the Tall Forest zone." Manny assumed his role as leader. They had all talked about who should be the leader and everyone looked at Manny. He had the most knowledge when it came to formations and team synergy. They had all decided he would lead the group. Lee Seng didn't mind as much. He knew how logical Manny was, so he didn't mind taking the opportunity to learn as they trained.