
The Team's Quest

Lee Seng entered the room, giving the guy a small bow as he quickly took a seat. 

"Who'd you talk to?" Ritsuka whispered as the guy entered the room after Lee Seng. 

"Oh, no one in particular." Lee Seng smiled. He took a sip of his coffee as the door closed.

"Alright, everyone." The man in the suit spoke up. He moved over to the front of the room where there was a large white board. The holographic screen appeared behind him as stood at attention in front of the students.

"My name is Zane Crane. I'll be in charge of you guys while you're here. I'll run by the quest the Guild wants you to do. If you have any questions while you're here, please direct them to me." Zane introduced himself. Everyone waved or bowed at Zane as he stepped off to the side. "You all must be wondering what Guild you got with, so I'll go through the usual pleasantries first and we can get into the quest, alright?"