
The Trap has Sprung

"Lee Seng!" Tiffi's voice shouted. "Shifters have appeared! He needs help!" Manny and the others made work of the goblins as they flew at them in large numbers. 

"Liz, deal with the ranged ones!" Manny ordered. Purple lightning flew out, changing and killing melee and ranged goblins. 

"Got it!" Liz answered. She stood near the techs as they panicked and tried to protect themselves. Evan and Olivia flanked the Techs and Liz in, keeping Goblins out as Ritsuka held the rear. 

"This was the best formation we could come up with?" John shouted. He was clearly scared as he swung a pole straight at a loose goblin. "We're gonna die! We have to run!" Pure darkness flew all around the group as swords flew out, piercing the goblins. 

"We need to get Lee Seng!" Ritsuka shouted. 

"What about us?!?" John shouted. "Your priority is us! Not some Fox troublemaker!"