
Evan Trainor (3)

Evan and Ritsuka stood in the yard as the others watched. Jiro had reluctantly pulled his attention away from Rumiko and Cory, over to the two boys. 

"Alright, this is just a spar match. Don't try to kill each other." Jiro shouted. "Get ready. Set. Go!" 

Obsidian Glass appeared in Ritsuka's hands as he sprinted forward. Evan summoned the shield and moved forward. He didn't know what he could show, but he would try his best. Evan and Ritsuka met in the middle, Ritsuka connecting the sword with the shield. Evan grunted as the aura around his shield started to glow a dark purple. Evan shoved him off and prepared himself for the next hit. Ritsuka sent a flurry of blows, Evan's shield aura slowly changing from purple to an indigo color. 

Evan couldn't do anything with the barrages. He moved backwards to try to give himself distance, but Ritsuka continued to push forward. Rituska batted the shield away and Evan left himself wide open.