
Team Zephyr Descends, Again

Manny, Liz, Olivia, Evan, and Ritsuka all followed Chan-Yeol as he lead them towards the Hole building. They all were taken aback by his form. He was shredded. He was really hiding a lot of his nice assets under all that business attire clothing. He wore Penumbra light armor and had two large daggers strapped on his belt, along with an assortment of pouches. His hair was still the same but he kept the large backpack they were given for their expedition on his back. 

He waved at the guild members who saluted at him. 

"Keep up the good work." Chan-Yeol encouraged them. He lead them into the building and continued forward. "You're all on the same comms, right?" Chan-Yeol turned to look at the others.

"Yes, sir." The group responded.