
Hidden Secrets

"Are you alright now?" Akio asked. Lee Seng let out a sigh of relief.

'It's been awhile since I've had a panic attack, that bad.' Lee Seng thought. 

"I'm fine. Just… piercing things together." Lee Seng answered. He slowly stood up, his brother hovering over him like a helicopter parent while Lee Seng's eyes were glued onto Chan-Yeol. 

"Did your secretary tell you what happened?" Lee Seng asked. 

"He… didn't tell me the full story. Just that he found you near your ring. Do you remember anything?" Akio asked. 

"Enough to get the jist of what happened." He pushed past his brother and slowly wandered out of the room. He needed to freshen up and relieve himself. Akio and Chan-Yeol watched him leave the room, Akio pointing at Lee Seng's butt. 

"What happened to your tail?" Akio asked. Lee Seng immediately stopped in his tracks and turned to try to catch a glimpse. He didn't see no white puffy tail. Nothing was there.