
Back to School

"Well, I gotta go." Sara held Lee Seng's hands. The two new lovebirds looked into each other's eyes as they stood off to the side near the exit of the Academic building. "Have a good day, okay? Don't push yourself too hard."

"Mmm, have a good day, Sara." Lee Seng gave her a.

"Bye." Sara turned picking up speed and moving into the crowd. Lee Seng smiled, turning to move towards Ritsuka, who was waiting and making small talk with some classmates.

"Oh, he's here." A student pointed. Ritsuka turned and acknowledged him with a nod.

"All good now?" Ritsuka asked. 

"Yeah." Lee Seng nodded.

"Well, we're gonna head out now. See y'all in fourth period!"

"See y'all later." Lee Seng waved.

"See ya!" The small group of students waved. The two started off to their classes together.

"How long have you two been together?" Ritsuka asked once they had made their way into the cafeteria.