
"Haunted House"

Lee Seng shut off the shower and let out a sigh. The strange memory played in his head. He wondered if the temporary amnesia he was having of that specific event was starting to reveal itself. He had many questions as to what put him in the situation he was in, but he didn't think it was this serious.

Lee Seng grabbed his towel and dried himself off. Nobody bothered him today. They, shockingly, kept their distance from Lee Seng. He wrapped the towel around his waist, folding it tightly so it wouldn't fall off of him. He stepped out of the shower stall and made his way back to his locker.

"Feeling better, Lee Seng?" Garcia asked as he passed. 

"Yeah, just a headache." Lee Seng answered. He punched in his locker code and opened it. He pulled his clothes out and began to change as Garcia continued the conversation.

"What're you up to after this?" Garcia asked.

"Going to see the house my teammates and I are living in for the rest of the year."