
The Town of Revit

Chrono was pushed out of the hunter gates. 

"Stay away from our lands. We can't have Guilds watching us. Cause more trouble and you'll bring a direct problem to the city!" The hunter shouted. They slammed the large gates and Chrono signed. She quickly turned and followed the path for a while. 

When she seemed she had walked far enough, she stepped into the forest and wandered for a while. She searched for a spot away from prying eyes and stopped when she found one. The winter snow crunched under her boots as she lifted her ring. 

"You'll have to stay in there until I get General Halys' location." She told Keng. 

"How long do I have to stay in here? It's scrunching me in every direction." Keng complained. 

"Just a little longer." She grabbed her phone and held 3. Her phone instantly dialed a number as she raised the phone to her ear. 

"Hello?" Halys answered.