

The deimon smiled at the unamused Cain. 

"We should take off that spell before it harms him. Lest you want him to die." Lord Eros told Eleven. 

"Who cares if he dies? I just need the body to absorb his essence. I'll get a body myself after all is done." Eleven bluntly told him. Eros' fiery eyes narrowed and he sat. 

"Whatever you want, deimon. Lord Cain has degreed to not mess within the Realm which he rules. I would follow it or else you'll suffer the consequences." Eleven smiled.

"Why would I suffer from it? I'm not the one with the body." He turned to face the sleeping Lee Seng. "Maybe I should just let him—" Eleven shot straight into the wall. The wall crumbled as the Lords and Ladies all watched, unaffected by what was happening. It wasn't the first time someone had been cocky and spoke those words.