
The Sky Doors

Keng squirmed on the bed as Jyu'so and Gorrum watched him. Jyu'so held onto Keng with shadows billowing out of him. He sighed as he pulled away and looked at Gorrum. 

"This one is so close to the Vessel that it will cause problems, Gorrum." Jyu'so shook his head. "I fear that if the test continues, he will drag himself down and fizzle out any hope of being independent from the Golden one. Ah, how I wish the God King would've elaborated more on the prophecy he gave me. This child isn't ready for it. What should I do?" 

"The God King sent me here to make sure he's ready by then, Elder. I shall assist you the best I can until the day he has to leave." Gorrum told Jyu'so. Jyu'so nodded. He knew it was their job to make sure Keng was ready for whatever Destiny had in store for him and Lee Seng. 

"2 Daros years…" Jyu'so sighed. "I'm not sure if he will be ready in 2 years."