
Move in Day

The school week was finally over. Lee Seng sat in the lobby of the dorm as he waited for people to pack their things into the cars out front. Manny had insisted he take it easy and let him pack the room for them. Lee Seng had objected and told him 'he was too bored and wanted to do something,' but Manny got Sara involved and she convinced him to rest more.

Lee Seng scrolled on his phone. He was looking at all the pictures Sara and him took. She hasn't been available outside of school and even then, it was hard to see his own girlfriend. He scrolled through the photos of the two of them, landing on a really cute photo of Sara and him.

"Hm," he smiled. "That's cute." He zoomed in on her face and smiled. He stared at it for awhile, feeling another migraine growing. "Argh." He rubbed his forehead. "Not again." He closed his eyes and shut his phone off. He hung his head low as he continued to rub his head.