
Another Slip

"What brings you here at this hour?" Sara's obvious perky fake customer voice asked Olivia. Olivia quickly studied the two girls as she slipped her phone in her coat pocket. 

'Definitely heard you two talking about meeting up with some freshmen, that's for sure.' Olivia thought. She stood up and took a step forward. 

"Lee Seng passed out so I brought him here." Olivia told Sara. 

"He passed out? Why? Is he okay?" Sara asked.

'Does she know Lee Seng has been having migraines this week?' 

"He's being checked on by the medical staff. I told them to alert Dr. Valentin since we were told he was in charge of looking after Lee." Olivia told her. Sara nodded and removed her friend's arm around hers. 

"Well, that sucks. Can we see him yet?" Sara asked. Olivia kept her hands in her winter coat pockets and shook her head no. 

"It's gonna be awhile. Might as well sit and wait awhile." Olivia motioned. She sat and watched Sara.