
New Goal: First Place

"I'm fine." Olivia looked up at him. Lee Seng helped her up and nodded at her before turning to look at Scarlet standing at Nicole's side and checking to see if she's fine.

"Are you—"

"I'm fine." Nicole swattered Scarlet's hand away. She glanced at her wrist and noticed Lee Seng's grip bruised her. "That brat left a nasty bruise. I swear, I should've—"

"You can't technically expel me, Nicole." Lee Seng told her. She looked up as her nostrils flared. "I haven't done anything wrong. I've been obedient, having broken any rules, technically, and you came in here with a bomb, willingly." Lee Seng knew Nicole was out for him Day 1. He had read all of the Academy rules and made sure to steer away from anything that could get him expelled. Of course, there was a couple of times that he could recall of him almost breaking a rule or two.