
What's in a Team?

Lee Seng didn't sleep much that night. He was plagued with the same nightmare. He was taken to Limbo and met the Hat Man, Cain. The strange corrupted version of himself showed up at the end after he had met with the other Lords and Ladies of the Realm and was forced out by the deimon that called himself, Eleven. 

Lee Seng passed time by working out. He had mainly focused on listening to his body and figuring out what he could and couldn't do. He ran for an hour and felt discomfort after an hour and slowly came to a stop. 

He lifted weights and did a full body routine and found out he was perfectly fine upper body and arms-wise, but his legs weren't doing so well. Lee Seng stretched to end it and took another shower. 

He changed into sweats and a t-shirt and went to grab his phone but remembered he smashed it to bits last night.