
Take Me Back or...

The orb pulled out of Keng's chest as the words began to fade. Keng spun around a couple times like Lee Seng was in the room.

"Silver fox what's wrong?" Jyu'so asked. 

"Lee Seng!" Keng shouted. When he didn't see Lee Seng anywhere, the panic only grew in his face. "I-I heard him! I heard him! He was here! I just—"

"Little fox, your Vessel isn't here." Gorrum told him. 

"He's not my Vessel. He's my partner!" Keng angrily corrected. His orb floated in front of his chest as Keng slammed the table. "Why does everyone call him my Vessel? We're in a working partnership. I help him, he helps me. That's the way it is, got it?!?" 

'What's with the sudden change in attitude?' Gorrum thought. Keng sighed and grabbed the orb. He turned and rushed out of the room.

"Keng! Where are you going?!?" Gorrum shouted, standing.

"Let him go." Jyu'so stuck his arm out to block his feathery ally. "It seems thee\y are more in sync that we thought they were."