
Cursed Power

The daggers sank into the back of the Dryad, releasing a louder scream. Purple energy pooled into the blade turning into silver light as it entered Keng's body. The Dryad thrashed around as vines and thorns shot at him, slamming him straight into a wall. The thorns buried themselves into him as the vines attached themselves to the wall. Glowing purple liquid oozed out of the Dryad's wounds as she shrieked. The Dryad began to chant as vines and thorns shot straight for Philip. 

Philip released the bolt and continued to dart as the bolt flew straight through the thorny vines with ease. The Dryad lifted her hand and a two-layer shield appeared in front of her as a barrage of thorns turned to spinning vines. Philip slid, the vines barely scratching him as they passed overhead, as he quickly stood up and felt vines wrap around him like a whip. The momentum continued, slamming him straight into a wall as the Dryad's chant came to a climax.