

Keng didn't know how he knew. The strange connection seemed to grow like a cancer. He found himself sprinting in the direction he felt him. 

'What if something bad has happened?' Keng wondered. The flashes of that monster in Lee Seng's soul world appeared in his head, again. 'It couldn't be that thing, right?' Keng shook his head. 'It couldn't be.' Another scream echoed through his head. Everything began to spark around him as he continued forward. 

"What's happening?" Keng slid to a stop. Dark Matter exploded all around him, arcing around him like a water bubble.

"Found you~" Eleven chuckled. A pulse of wind exploded in front of him. A horned Lee Seng stood in front of him. The skintight suit wrapped around him as Eleven turned. "To think all it took was someone like you to lower his defenses." Eleven wagged his finger at Keng. 

"Where's Lee Seng?!?" Keng shouted.