
Soul Gates

"There aren't many gates on a soul." Crow continued to explain. She lifted her hands and grabbed onto Lee Seng's. "There's only seven on your soul compared to the many gates on your physical body. And they start from the base of your spine  and go all the way up to your head." Crow pointed out the different spots as she taught him. "These could be called the seven chakras. The idea was brought up in India way back in 1500 to 500 BC. Even then, many humans learned unbalance from their souls. There's very few who've unlocked it successfully."

"Is it going to be painful then?" Lee Seng asked.

"What's growth if there's no pain?" Crow answered with another question. Before Lee Seng could even answer, Crow's hands pulsed with energy. She was getting a feel for Lee Seng's soul before releasing his hands. "Are you ready?"

"Uh… I guess." Lee Seng shrugged. 

"Get comfortable, this will probably be painful and be awhile."