
Tragic Lovers, Part 2

The group left in the same way they came, slow. Lee Seng was on high alert until he knew they were gone. He stepped out of the shadows of the forest and let out a sigh of relief. 

"I thought they said animals like dogs and cats and children could see me…" Lwe Seng whispered to himself. He brushed his chin as he stood there and thought. "Aren't there people who see ghosts and stuff all the time? Wouldn't they be able to see me…? You don't really hear about adventurers fighting ghosts all the time… So I guess that might be true. I'll just have to be careful."

Lee Seng wandered into the forest city. Nature had taken back one of the places the Old World Humans claimed for themselves. Old cars littered the city. Nature had taken over, climbing up the rusted cars and the large buildings.