
Inquiry at the Ranch

"You call that an apology?" David shouted. He didn't step into the scorching sunlight. Lisa seemed to come out from behind the tree and watch. "You suck at apologizing."

"You suck at having a decent conversation about why I shouldn't use my light." Lee Seng pointed out. "Just tell me it straight like Lord Cain did." David growled and started to step out when Lee Seng's ears twitched. His eyes flicked over to the right. There was a faint rumbling noise as the sun hit David's skin. Lee Seng flashed forward, pushing him into the shade. 

"What the fuc–" David began to say when Lee Seng turned to look towards the noise, again.

"You won't die in the sun, right?" Lee Seng asked with a hush tone. 

"W-why?" Lisa asked looking in the direction Lee Seng was looking at. 

"Hey douchebag! Are you just gonna change the subject?!?" David shouted. Lee Seng shushed him and gravity wrapped around David's mouth, holding it from moving.