
Thieves Hunt, Part 2

Lee Seng wrapped the barrier around the three of them and gave Lisa and the glossy-eyed David one last look before darting.

"Good luck!" Lisa shouted, sprinting in one direction. David ran straight for the skyscraper building as bullets flew and pinged off of them. Lee Seng turned and dashed, drawing many of the snipers' eyes with him as he left.

"They're splitting. What do we do?" A voice asked in the ear piece of the woman. She popped her gun back next to her hip as the distorted mirror appeared back as normal. 

"We'll go with my plan." The woman spoke. "Notify the others. We'll split of focus three ways. Vicks, you handle the girl. Niles, you handle the boy running straight for this building. I'll handle the Fox boy."

"Yes, ma'am!"