
A Fox Against a Pack of Wolves

The Werewolves rushed the Fox. The pack wanted to shred the little Fox to pieces and move on with their hunt. Lee Seng dodged with a playful smile that hid behind the mask. He would use his Echoes to dodge hits he couldn't dodge and Illusionary Step into their place at the last second. This was something he wanted to practice and get down and it was working fairly well.

Unluckily for Lee Seng, the wolves were intelligent enough to see through his antics and went in for retaliation, sending him flying backwards. Lee Seng bounced down the overgrown street, flipping himself as he used the scabbard of his katana to slow himself to a stop. The wolves circled him like he was mere prey to them. Lee Seng's grin grew bigger behind his mask as he looked at the Werewolf that had sniffed him out.