
Fight Ring

The conveyor belts sparked and smoked. Lee Seng followed David into the hole where the conveyor belts are going. Lee Seng waved the smoke out of his face as he maneuvered past the piles of dead monster bodies. 

The conveyor belt slowly descended down the dark tunnel. If Lee Seng didn't have his dark vision, he would be completely engulfed in darkness, not knowing where to go. David marched ahead of Lee Seng. He still looked like a man on a mission. The sounds of wet blood squished beneath their feet as they went deeper and deeper. 

They moved for a while until the sounds of growls and screeches quietly bounced through the tunnel. 

"What's that noise?" Lee Seng asked. The tunnel eventually evened out, opening up to a bright light. David wasted no time, sprinting out of the light.