
Striked Out: Theory One

The large rib cage closed David in, killing the thieves who weren't quick enough in an instant. Those who managed to dodge out of the way, became encased in the rib cage. 

Some thieves tried to make their way out of the large openings, but David was one step ahead. Small bones shot out of the large bones forcing many back into the cage as the unlucky few were pierced. 

The thieves all had no choice but to rush David. Lee Seng gritted his teeth and watched as David blew through two dudes like butter. The metallic tank flew at him, blocking his path towards his squishy teammates. 

Lee Seng's ears twitched, jumping out of the way as a large ax flew down on his spot. He rolled back onto his feet and turned, looking at more thieves entering the space through the portal. His tentacles fired at the ax user, grabbing the wielder their hands and tossing them into the air.