
Satyr Demon, Part 2

The old Satyr rushed for Lee Seng. In his eyes, the boy wouldn't last another hit. He lowered his horns like always. 

'The boy won't last another hit. Let's end this.' The old Satyr told himself. Lee Seng sheathed the katana and released it. He put his hand up as his form shifted. He would create another wall and the old Satyr smiled. 'That won't work!' To the old Satyr's surprise, it wasn't a wall. He flew through it as Lee Seng reflexively grabbed the Satyr's horn, pushing his head upwards.

'W-what is this strength?!?' The old Satyr asked. The old Satyr's footing was starting to slip. He stomped his hoof on the ground, pushing against the strength of the young boy in front of him.