
Secret Path

Lisa led the way as Lee Seng trailed behind her. He left of seismic vibrations, painting a map in his mind of what was around them. The blips kept telling him there were more people above them. They continued to grow in size until he started registering people or things moving in front of them.

"Stop." Lee Seng told Lisa. She stopped in her place and turned to look at him. She saw a puzzled face plastered across Lee Seng. If she could see underneath the mask, she'd see his lips curling in confusion. His head tilt off to the left like he was fighting off a brain freeze. The map grew in his head and that's when he saw it.

"There." Lee Seng's eyes flew opened and he pointed off to their right. "There's an entrance there." Lisa looked and the path continued past the wall.

"The path goes further. It's further in?" Lisa asked. Lee Seng nodded and led the way. They made their way to the right and followed the path for a bit until they hit a dead end.