
Whispers of Eleven

The person in front of Lisa wasn't who she thought it was. He had said it himself with that smile on his face. The stars all swirled around him like he was the center of it all. Lisa's body convulesed as she fell to the ground. Eleven watched as she twitched. It was the first time he didn't have to do anything to see someone suffer so much.

"He-help me…" Lisa weakly called out to Eleven. She slowly lifted her arm up and tried to reach for Lee Seng, but Eleven just stood there. 

"Not until you give up the facade." Eleven lifted his chin and nodded at her. "You aren't fooling anyone."

'W-what's he talking about?' Lisa grunted. 

"Ah!" She lurched forward as a large bony hand flew straight for Eleven. Eleven dodged out of the way, only to be grabbed by the hand.