
Gone Dark

Soldiers were running around as Lee Seng and his team of Merfolk landed. Rya led the team towards the large crystal tower. When they entered, people noticed them right away and swam over. 

"Squadron Leader Rya! You're safe!" A young Merman spoke. 

"Thank Hydran, you're here! You gotta help us!" A mermaid frowned. 

"What's the deal? Does the village need more help?" Rya asked. 

"We have more pressing matters!" The mermaid replied. "Calis' squad went dark! They were checking in with me when the Earthquake started and then something happened to the other Fox Spirit! What do we do?!?" 

The mermaid was in distress like the rest of the Merfolk in the room. The earthquake was ruining currents and tearing paths apart like nothing. Rya thought for a moment before answering. 

"How long until the Earthquake settles?" Rya asked.