
Unlocked: Job

The silver energy fired out of Jengs hands, expunging everything in it's path in pure heat. Vizo and Rya shielded themselves as the blinding light impaired their vision. The sea serpent hollered in pain, fless and bone burning away. 

The serpent thrashed as the water around it grew hot. Vizo and Rya moved away from the heat as Freppie pulled Dennis down. 

"Are you okay?" Freppie asked Denni. De mi nodded, her eyes glued into the sight of the serpent. It was quickly being devoured by the heat and strange glowing silver energies. 

"He can do that?" Denni asked. Freppie turned to look as Aliza ushered Cayi away. 

"This way. Let's not get hurt by the hot waters." Aliza commented. 

"We should… move to." Freppie told Denni. Denni nodded, not putting up a fight to Freppie's suggestion.