
Saving Team Calis

"Keng?!?" Lily called out to the shifting Fox Spirit above her. "You're here?!?" The star lit constellation tails billowed around Keng as he landed in front of Lily. Aliza and Cayi swam downwards after him, both of them holding each other's hands as they realized what just had happened. "I thought we'd be lost forever!" Lily's eyes shook. She was practically crying in front of Keng but because of the water, it was impossible to even produce tears.

"Watch out!" Calis shouted. Electrified tentacles flew straight past Calis, aimed for Keng and Lily. Lily began to shout when the water shifted around them. A barrier of water and night sky flew up around them, blocking the attack. The night sky cracked, breaking in seconds as a familiar mark appeared on Lily's hand.